Sunday, June 26, 2011

Poetry Is Love, Poetry Is Life, Poetry Is Me

Poetry is all around us whether we know it or not. It is in songs, advertisements, and common stories. We have grown up with it, lived it, and continue to experience it every day.

My love of poetry first began as a little boy. Like many children, I found Mother Goose as great entertainment. The stories allowed my imagination to take hold onto something great and create a whole world I would have otherwise not known.

Poetry was my pathway to adulthood. It allowed me to read what others have gone through in a short read, but it allowed my mind to continue to digest the information for hours, even days. As someone who has always been a slow reader, it allowed me to take something more out of the length of time it took me to read.

As a teenager, I began writing my own poetry. It allowed me to express myself in ways I couldn't find in short stories or journals. It helped my imagination keep hold and keep my mind clean. As someone who didn't have much luck with the opposite sex, I needed every way possible to express my unrequited loves.

As an adult, my poetry has changed from my earlier writings. I no longer write about the sadness of relationships or friendships gone awry. I write about the sunset. I write about my favorite sports teams. I write about the true beauty of life. Sadly, my time is much more limited now than it was in my school days. Luckily, my writing has improved much over the years. What I lost in quantity I made up for in quantity (or so I hope).

To me, poetry is more than just a few words put together to make up meters and stanzas. It is expression. It is life. It is something I can read and then think about for hours. It is the top of the literature pyramid. It is evergrowing and it is powerful. It is apart of my past which I will never forget and will always be apart of my future.

My love of poetry might have began as a little boy, however, it has only grown throughout the years. It is something eternal and inside me. It is my true love of the literature world. It is something which will always be there when I need it.

Poetry is words. Poetry is life. Poetry is me.

You might also enjoy Love 4 Poetry.

Gary R. Hess has been writing poetry for ten years and is the author of many poetry articles.

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